Its time to watch your favourite TV Show or Tune in your NES and join the guys for their views as we deploy Operation Retroshock!

Thursday Sep 20, 2012
Wrestleshock Reviews - Episode 9
Thursday Sep 20, 2012
Thursday Sep 20, 2012
Welcome one and welcome all to the 9th episode of Wrestleshock reviews. You may have noticed that there is a different voice over at the start and major thanks to Brian T Stevenson for doing that for the podcast. Check out Brian's site at http://www.bsvoices.com/ or on twitter briantstevenson. Chris is back with another review courtesy of the fantastic folk over at Silvervision.co.uk. This time its all about finishing! Chris talks about the 50 greatest finishing moves in WWE History. Chris actually divulges the 50 moves that make up the countdown and what was on the list that shouldn't be? Martin Stynes (martintalks on YouTube) is back with another stellar review and this time he is talking WCW as Martin reviews Best of WCW Clash of the Champions. Martin does a fantastic job and talks at length about the set and how its one of the few times hes watched WCW. Follow Martin on Twitter - @martinstyness and Chris as well - @Vinto316.

Tuesday Sep 11, 2012
Wrestleshock Episode 13 - Night of Champions preview.....sort of
Tuesday Sep 11, 2012
Tuesday Sep 11, 2012
Hey guys Welcome back to another episode of Wrestleshock where Mike and Chris talk about the upcoming PPV Night of Champions. They discuss the card as it stands today and what match The Miz should have. They go on a massive tangent and talk about the lack of competition that the WWE has and what Wrestlemania matches the hosts would like to see happen. So it really is a mixture of a show! Follow the guys on twitter - Chris - Vinto316 and Mike is Mlacey91. Also there is an upcoming special where the guys are going to discuss Stone Cold Steve Austin so if you have any memories, email them to vinto316@gmail.com Thank you to everyone who has donated money or ebay auctions or wrote Chris a note about his father battling cancer, has meant a great deal

Friday Sep 07, 2012
Wrestleshock Episode 12 - Rob Schamberger interview
Friday Sep 07, 2012
Friday Sep 07, 2012
Hey Guys and welcome back to another episode of Wrestleshock and this time we have another interview. Chris is joined by Hayley Stewart (xswantongirlyx on YouTube) and they are joined by the fantastic Rob Schamberger. Rob goes over the very lengthy task that he has set himself that pertains to pro-wrestling and you MUST follow him on Twitter as you can see the great work that Rob does on an almost daily basis. Follow him on Twitter - @Robschamberger and see his great work. Hayley and Chris ask Rob how he came up with the method of art he uses, his favourite pro-wrestler today and what 3 matches he really enjoys. There is a lot more questions asked and make sure to head over to Robs site to see about ordering yourself your favourite wrestler - www.robschamberger.com.
Follow Chris on Twitter - @Vinto316, hayley is @Hayleythetiny and the show is @Wrestleshock316
Make sure to head over to Chris's Youtube channel Vintomania and watch a video based on some fund raising he will be doing for his father and how you can help by donating or spreading the word. Thank you
Saturday Sep 01, 2012
Operation Retroshock - Episode 51
Saturday Sep 01, 2012
Saturday Sep 01, 2012
Welcome Everyone to Episode 51 of Operation Retroshock! Well it has been a Summer of wrestling here on the Retroshock feed but the originator is back! We bring you Ep 51 of Operation Retroshock and it is a Nintendo special! We go through your emails to see your Top 10 games for each Nintendo console! So thats from the NES to the Wii! Plus we through in the DS/3DS for good measure! So sit back and enjoy the first step towards Episode 100! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be a part of the show by contacting us in a number of ways: Join our Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/OperationRetroshock and Twitter: @Retroshock316 these places are where you can discuss anything that happens on the show and request things for the future! So check it out! Skype: Vinto316 - Leave us a voicemail to do with your thoughts on what has been covered or just something to be played on the show. Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button here on Podbean or Itunes

Tuesday Aug 14, 2012
Wrestleshock Episode 11 - Summerslam Episode
Tuesday Aug 14, 2012
Tuesday Aug 14, 2012
Hello guys and welcome back to another full length episode of Wrestleshock. With Sunday 19th the day that Summerslam 2012 airs, Mike and Chris thought it would be a good idea to ask the Wrestleshock listeners to send in some of their favourite moments etc. Due to the length of the email sent out by Chris, only 3 peoples list made the cut. The lucky 3 were Jordan Holloway, Lewis Oldham and Rory Bradfield. Allan Price makes a guest appearance and the guys talk about the past summerslams, what are their favourite 3 matches? Their biggest disappointment? They also go over the upcoming Summerslam ppv with Brock vs HHH, Ziggler vs Jericho and much more. The Miz vs Rey match was announced after this recording! Make sure to tune in to the next episode which will feature an interview with Rob Schamberger and Hayley (xswantongirlyx) helps Chris interviews this great artist! Follow the guys on Twitter - Chris @Vinto316, Mike @mlacey91, Allan @allangwprice and the show @Wrestleshock316!

Saturday Aug 11, 2012
Wrestleshock Reviews - Episode 8
Saturday Aug 11, 2012
Saturday Aug 11, 2012
Welcome one and welcome all to the 8th episode of Wrestleshock reviews. You may have noticed that there is a different voice over at the start and major thanks to Brian T Stevenson for doing that for the podcast. Check out Brian's site at http://www.bsvoices.com/ or on twitter briantstevenson. Chris is joined again by Martin Stynes as the guys talk about the newly released Blu-Ray of Wrestlemania 28. This is available at www.silvervision.co.uk for a bargain price of £22.99. The guys go over the card and what matches they always watch or what they skip. As well as that, Martin and Chris talk about the Hall of Fame 2012 and what superstars that guys would like to see inducted into the hall of fame. Martin also unveils the next review he will be doing for the podcast and an upcoming podcast which will feature Chris Hill (Mrbigred1990). As always follow the guys on Twitter - Martin @martinstyness (someone took martinstynes, how awful for martin!) and follow Chris @Vinto316 and the show @wrestleshock316. The guys are also on YouTube - martin is Martintalks and Chris is Vintomania. make sure to head over to www.silvervision.co.uk to pre-order many upcoming titles and one of them is played at the end of the show! Thanks go to silvervision for enabling us to bring this review. Check out www.wwedvdnews.com as well for all the latest information about new products

Friday Aug 03, 2012
Wrestleshock Episode 10 - Top 5 IC Champs
Friday Aug 03, 2012
Friday Aug 03, 2012
Ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages, Mike Lacey and Chris Vint proudly present to you Episode 10 of Wrestleshock. As the last full episode of Wrestleshock was the Honky Tonk Man interview and he was arguably the greatest intercontinental champion of all time, Mike and Chris give to you YOUR top 5 IC champions of all time. Who made the list the most? Was it Jeff Jarrett? Kane or HHH? well i don't recall them making a lot of lists! Mike and Chris then go over your choices and their own choices as well. They talk about the 1000th episode of Raw very briefly and then what they think of the current state of the IC title in the WWE! You have a task ahead of you as on 17th August is Summerslam and hopefully on the 12th August Mike and Chris....and perhaps someone else will be recording their Summerslam episode and we would like to hear from you again! if you are a wrestling fan, why not send in your favourite moments or matches to vinto316@gmail.com or mikelacey91@yahoo.com. please have them in before the 12th August! follow mike on twitter - @mlcaey91, Chris @Vinto316 and the show @Wrestleshock316

Friday Jul 27, 2012
Wrestleshock Reviews - Episode 7
Friday Jul 27, 2012
Friday Jul 27, 2012
Hello everyone and welcome to the 7th installment of Wrestleshock reviews. As you would have heard on the last episode, Hayley (xswantongirlyx) Stewart did a review on the Trish Stratus DVD and now i have a few other reviewers for the podcast. First of all I review a DVD that means a great deal to me as its one of my favourites - that's right i review Mick Foley's Hits and misses.....or do i? Well there is only one way to find out and that's by listening. Martin Stynes (martintalks on youtube) has a fantastic review on the Phenom of the WWE and that is the Undertaker! Martin goes over the epic set Tombstone - History of the Undertaker. Thank you to Martin for doing a great job! Not to be outdone Chris Hill (mrbigred1990 on youtube) has a similar set in mind and that is the 3 disk set of the Twisted and Disturbed life of Kane! Chris does an amazing job on his review of one of his favourite WWE superstars! This is the longest episode of Wrestleshock reviews so far and thank you to the guys for their terrific reviews! If you know of a DVD i should review, then email me at vinto316@gmail.com or head over to my youtube channel Vintomania and look at my DVD collection and post a comment. Follow me on twitter Vinto316, Mike lacey is @mlacey91, Martin is @martinstyness and Chris Hill is @chrishill90. Dont forget to follow the show @Wrestleshock316!

Friday Jul 27, 2012
Bonus Wrestleshock Reviews - Raw 1000 Review!
Friday Jul 27, 2012
Friday Jul 27, 2012
Hey guys Welcome to another episode of Wrestleshock Reviews and this is a bonus episode. Martin Stynes (martintalks from YouTube) helps Chris go over the historic Raw 1000 episode. as Michael Cole always says, it is the longest running episodic tv programme. Chris and Martin go over the returning superstars such as DX, The Rock, Lita and the APA. They also talk about the superstars who couldnt make it such as Edge and Stone Cold Steve Austin! Who do the guys want to face The Rock at the Royal Rumble? Will a 3 hour RAW each week work? The guys discuss that and much more View Martin's fantastic YouTube channel by searching for Martintalks and have a chat with him on Twitter - @martinstyness. Chris is also on Twitter - @vinto316 and the show is @Wrestleshock316.

Saturday Jul 21, 2012
Wrestleshock Episode 9 - An interview with the Honky Tonk Man!
Saturday Jul 21, 2012
Saturday Jul 21, 2012
Hey guys Yes you read correctly, Wrestleshock had an interview with the greatest intercontinental champion of all time, The Honky Tonk Man! Hopefully this was a pure joy to listen to and both Mike and Chris are fans of the gentleman! The guys talk about his reign as the IC champ, how he dropped the belt, his time with Greg Valentine and his thoughts on WCW! A very indepth and not to be missed interview! Make sure you head over to his website www.honkytonkman.net and follow him on twitter @OfficialHTM. Thank you very much to this legend for taking time out of his schedule to appear on the show! Chris also announces who the lucky winner was of the blu-ray copy of the best of Raw and Smackdown 2011! Was it you? The next full episode featuring Mike and Chris will be about YOUR top 5 intercontinental champions of all time so still email your list to vinto316@gmail.com! Follow Mike on twitter - @mlacey91, Chris @vinto316 and the show @wrestleshock316. also chris has a YouTube channel so head over there - Vintomania is his username!