Its time to watch your favourite TV Show or Tune in your NES and join the guys for their views as we deploy Operation Retroshock!

Saturday May 12, 2012
Operation Retroshock - Episode 47
Saturday May 12, 2012
Saturday May 12, 2012
Welcome Everyone to Episode 47 of Operation Retroshock! Well we thought it was time to bring back an old favourite for not only this episode but the next. It has had a good long break after our 3 back to back shows and near 9 hours worth of discussion last year. If that doesn't give it away we don't know what will, of course we are talking about Doctor Who! Allan and Chris are joined by What the Shell's Dylan Cook as they all sit down to bring you their commentary for Doctor Who's 'End of Time - Part 1' the first part of a memorable two parter, not only for being very good episodes but they mark the end of the David Tennant era as the 10th Doctor. So get your DVD out and join the guys as they take you through another 'Masterful' episode! (Make sure to check back next week for our 'End of Time - Part 2' commentary) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be a part of the show by contacting us in a number of ways: Join our Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/OperationRetroshock and Twitter: @Retroshock316 these places are where you can discuss anything that happens on the show and request things for the future! So check it out! Skype: Vinto316 - Leave us a voicemail to do with your thoughts on what has been covered or just something to be played on the show. Email: Contact the show by emailing Allan and Chris at: AllanPrice@popculturenetwork.com and Vintoman@popculturenetwork.com Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button here on Podbean or Itunes Visit the home of Operation Retroshock at www.PopCultureNetwork.com for shows on Toys, Comics, Video Games and all the things you love! Don’t forget to join the forums and go to the Operation Retroshock area to watch out for any info or interesting things when it comes to the show.

Friday May 04, 2012
Wrestleshock Reviews - Episode 3
Friday May 04, 2012
Friday May 04, 2012
Greetings all! Its been a while since Chris has done a Wrestleshock Reviews but he is well and truly back now with not 1 or 2 reviews but 5! yes thats right 5 reviews. First up is a listener request - Rory Bradfield is a huge Mr Perfect fan so Chris has covered one of his favourite wrestlers with a review of The Life and times of Mr Perfect. If you would like to have a certain DVD/Blu-ray covered, listen in and you will find out how you can do it! After this, Chris covers the following titles which you can order from Silvervision.co.uk and save a ton of money and quick service. You Think you know me, the story of Edge, The Best of Raw and Smackdown 2011, The True Story of Wrestlemania and lastly the Royal Rumble 2012. Chris aims to bring you Wrestleshock reviews on a more regular basis and stay tuned for the Top 5 matches from Mike, Chris and indeed YOU the listener! Any emails can go to vinto316@gmail.com and follow Chris on Twitter @Vinto316, Mike @mlacey91 and Operation Retroshock - @retroshock316!

Tuesday Apr 24, 2012
Masters of the Universe Chronicles - The Final episode?
Tuesday Apr 24, 2012
Tuesday Apr 24, 2012
Hey guys your eyes aren't playing tricks. The Chronicles feed is unable to host any new episodes at the moment so this was the best way to bring you a new and possibly last Chronicles ever episode. I was joined by Brandon and Manny from the terrific ThundercatsNow podcast (follow them on twitter @thundercatsnow) as we discuss our favourite figures from the line as well as the problems we have had in dealing with Digital River and ordering from Mattycollector.com. Search for the Thundercatsnow podcast on Itunes and leave the great guys (and gal, Celesta) a great review as they deserve it! Follow myself on twitter, @Vinto316, Operation Retroshock @retroshock316, Allan Price @AllanGWPrice and lastly the Wrestleshock host Mike - @mlacey91 For what may be the last time, thanks for all the Masters of the Universe Chronicles support and to all the people who came on as a guest. Until next time

Friday Apr 20, 2012
Wrestleshock - Episode 6 - Top 10 Wrestling Themes
Friday Apr 20, 2012
Friday Apr 20, 2012
Welcome to episode 6 of Wrestleshock where in this episode we have a new sponsor! WWEDVDNEWS from Twitter is now one of the shows sponsors and you can follow them on twitter @WWEDVDNEWS and www.wwedvdnews.com is their website! Mike and Chris discuss their and indeed the listeners Top 10 Entrance Themes ever! Thank you so much to everyone who sent in their lists. Stay tuned for another task that Mike and Chris have set up for you, this time with a few stipulations! During the podcast, Chris is joined by Hayley Stewart who actually attended Wrestlemania 28 and lives near Chris so another Northern Ireland voice on the show. Hayley talks about her travelling tales, the experience of axxess and the momentus occasion that was Wrestlemania 28. If you want to check out Hayley's videos, you can by going to http://www.youtube.com/user/xSwantongirlyx and also follow Hayley on Twitter - @hayleythetiny When the interview is over with, Mike and Chris then cover the rest of your top 10 themes and Mike has a little rant about ECW and Saturday nights main event. all done in good humour so don't be panicking! Stay tuned to the end of the show for the next assignment and listen closely for the stipulations! Follow Mike on twitter - @mlacey91 and Chris is @vinto316.

Tuesday Apr 17, 2012
Operation Retroshock - Episode 46
Tuesday Apr 17, 2012
Tuesday Apr 17, 2012
Welcome Everyone to Episode 46 of Operation Retroshock!
And we've good news! Allan and Chris are finally back together, so let the fun begin! In this Episode the guys decided to do a Movie Sequels Special. 3 really
good sequels and 1 not so good one....you'll see what we mean in a second.
First up is one of Allan's favourites, Back to the Future: Part II, this is the first time we have talked about BTTF since way back in Episode 1! Allan has been
very patient.
After that we travel to the streets of New York and catch up with the guys you call when you have a spooky problem, yep it's Ghostbusters 2. Following that we
discuss Terminator 2: Judgement Day. Not only that but Allan gets to speak to the man himself Arnold Schwarzenegger!
Finally and this is where you figure out what we meant earlier....our last sequel is Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Yeah the less said the better perhaps?
But yeah it is bound to be a great show so sit back and enjoy!
Be a part of the show by contacting us in a number of ways:
Join our Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/OperationRetroshock and Twitter:
@Retroshock316 these places are where you can discuss anything that happens on the show and
request things for the future! So check it out!
Skype: Vinto316 - Leave us a voicemail to do with your thoughts on what has been covered or just something to be played on the show. Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button here on Podbean or Itunes

Friday Apr 06, 2012
Wrestleshock - Episode 5 - Wrestlemania review
Friday Apr 06, 2012
Friday Apr 06, 2012
FINALLY!!! Wrestleshock has come back, to your listening ears! Hello all and make sure to have your tickets ready to enter the arena for Wrestleshock. (Sponsored and in conjunction with Operation Retroshock) There a few changes for the show and its thanks to Allan Price that this happened. Chris is taking over the reigns of Wrestleshock and is joined by a very good friend - Mike Lacey. Mike and Chris sit down and go over the Wrestlemania 28 card. Was the World Heavyweight Championship match too long? Did we enjoy the build up to the Undertaker HHH match? Of course, Chris and Mike talk about THE match that everyone was talking about, The Rock VS John Cena. Did the right man win and what should we expect from The Rock? There is much to come from Wrestleshock as Mike and Chris will be reviewing upcoming DVD/Blu-ray releases, talk about our favourite wrestlers...sorry i mean sports entertainers and much more. You can follow the guys on Twitter - Chris is @Vinto316 and Mike is @mlacey91. We hope this is a podcast heard around the world....brothers!!

Saturday Mar 31, 2012
Operation Retroshock - Episode 45 (Wrestlemania Special)
Saturday Mar 31, 2012
Saturday Mar 31, 2012
Welcome to Episode 45 of Operation Retroshock! It's Wrestlemania Season once again! Last year you were taken on fantastic trip through everyone's favourite Wrestlemania memories, courtesy of ourselves and the guys over at The Total Wrestling Show. This year things are a wee bit different. Instead of 5 people on the show you have 1, yes this is another solo episode folks and your host is our very own Allan. Not to worry though, there is plenty to be discussed and....well Allan is known for rambling! First on the agenda is the WWE Hall of Fame, your host has a look at who the WWE has awarded its greatest honour to this year. With the likes of Edge, Ron Simmons and The Four Horsemen on the list it's sure to be a winner. Allan then takes you through this year's Wrestlemania matches, going from the match he is least interested in, right up to the one he is most excited by and of course along the way he will make predictions for this year's show! We will also have Chris' picks on hand. So which host will come out with the big 'W' this year? In our First ever 'Mania Special it was a tie, last year Allan was victorious...So could this be Chris' year? You will have to listen and then watch Wrestlemania to find out! So sit back, grab your Lite-Brite Jacket, your Shades or even a can of Pepsi.....turn that son bi..... sideways and enjoy the fun that is Wrestlemania! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be a part of the show by contacting us in a number of ways: Join our Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/OperationRetroshock and Twitter: @Retroshock316 these places are where you can discuss anything that happens on the show and request things for the future! So check it out! Skype: Vinto316 - Leave us a voicemail to do with your thoughts on what has been covered or just something to be played on the show. Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button here on Podbean or Itunes

Saturday Mar 24, 2012
ORS Reviews- Episode 10
Saturday Mar 24, 2012
Saturday Mar 24, 2012
Welcome to Episode 10 of ORS Reviews! What better way to mark Ep 10 than to shake things up a bit? Firstly Chris takes the helm on his own for this one! And Secondly we are proud to bring you our First interview to ORS Reviews! Chris sat down and had a great chat with the Studio Vice-President of Radical Entertainment, Dave Fracchia. You may recognise that name...That is because we met Dave at GAMEfest back in September. He is one of the guys behind the upcoming game Prototype 2. Hear what Dave has to say about what is sure to be a contender for best action game come the end of the year. Enjoy! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be a part of the show by contacting us in a number of ways: Join our Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/OperationRetroshock and Twitter: @Retroshock316 these places are where you can discuss anything that happens on the show and request things for the future! So check it out! Skype: Vinto316 - Leave us a voicemail to do with your thoughts on what has been covered or just something to be played on the show. Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button here on Podbean or Itunes

Thursday Mar 08, 2012
ORS Reviews - Episode 9
Thursday Mar 08, 2012
Thursday Mar 08, 2012
Welcome to Episode 9 of ORS Reviews! In this Episode Allan and Chris are going to give you the low down on what 2012 has in store for the video gaming world. Ranging from Mass Effect 3, Street Fighter X Tekken, Bioshock: Infinite to Resident Evil 6, Tomb Raider and Grand Theft Auto V. It's going to be an exciting year, so sit back and enjoy the ride. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be a part of the show by contacting us in a number of ways: Join our Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/OperationRetroshock and Twitter: @Retroshock316 these places are where you can discuss anything that happens on the show and request things for the future! So check it out! Skype: Vinto316 - Leave us a voicemail to do with your thoughts on what has been covered or just something to be played on the show. Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button here on Podbean or Itunes

Saturday Feb 25, 2012
ORS Reviews - Episode 8
Saturday Feb 25, 2012
Saturday Feb 25, 2012
Welcome to Episode 8 of ORS Reviews! In this Episode Allan and Chris decided with it being just over a week until the launch of the sure fire Game of the Year contender, Mass Effect 3 that they would take a look back at Mass Effect 1 (Xbox 360 and PC) then Mass Effect 2 (Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.) They go through the back-story to the games, their opinion of the role-playing/combat and just their own personal feelings regarding the franchise. Not only that but with the Mass Effect 3 Demo being out already the guys are able to give you their early thoughts on just how the game stacks up from what they have played, be it the Single Player or the new addition in Multi-Player. Enjoy! (Make sure to watch out for a full review of Mass Effect 3 in a future edition of ORS Reviews.) (Check out the Demo - Xbox: Here and PS3: Here)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be a part of the show by contacting us in a number of ways: Join our Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/OperationRetroshock and Twitter: @Retroshock316 these places are where you can discuss anything that happens on the show and request things for the future! So check it out! Skype: Vinto316 - Leave us a voicemail to do with your thoughts on what has been covered or just something to be played on the show. Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button here on Podbean or Itunes