Its time to watch your favourite TV Show or Tune in your NES and join the guys for their views as we deploy Operation Retroshock!

Sunday Dec 23, 2012
Operation Retroshock - Episode 54 (Christmas Special)
Sunday Dec 23, 2012
Sunday Dec 23, 2012
Welcome Everyone to Episode 54 of Operation Retroshock, Our Christmas Special! In this Episode Allan and Chris bring to you some Christmas cheer in the form of a Doctor Who filled show, The Christmas Specials to be precise! We discuss The Christmas Invasion, The Runaway Bride, Voyage of the Damned, The Next Doctor, A Christmas Carol and finally The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe. Not only have you got that but we open our gifts from a certain Mr Mike Lacey, what have the guys got this year from their friend and co-host across the pond? All this and more in the Operation Retroshock Christmas Special! Enjoy! (We do not cover the End of Time Christmas and New Year Specials as we gave our opinions on these in Episodes 47 and 48 where we did a commentary with Dylan Cook.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be a part of the show by contacting us in a number of ways: Join our Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/OperationRetroshock and Twitter: @Retroshock316 these places are where you can discuss anything that happens on the show and request things for the future! So check it out! Skype: Vinto316 - Leave us a voicemail to do with your thoughts on what has been covered or just something to be played on the show. Or why not email your hosts - vinto316@gmail.com or big___al@hotmail.com! Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button here on Podbean or Itunes

Saturday Dec 15, 2012
ORS Reviews - Episode 15
Saturday Dec 15, 2012
Saturday Dec 15, 2012
Hello everyone and welcome to Episode 15 of ORS Reviews! It is almost Christmas so in this Episode Chris and Allan review two of this years big releases, one was a surprise hit...the other an expected hit. They are The Walking Dead Game and Assassin's Creed 3! Find out what we think of them both and we do a quick run through of the stand out games of 2012! Also don't miss the next Episode of Operation Retroshock as it is our Christmas Special and 100th upload to Podbean and Itunes! Enjoy the show! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be a part of the show by contacting us in a number of ways: Join our Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/OperationRetroshock and Twitter: @Retroshock316 these places are where you can discuss anything that happens on the show and request things for the future! So check it out! Skype: Vinto316 - Leave us a voicemail to do with your thoughts on what has been covered or just something to be played on the show. Or why not email your hosts - vinto316@gmail.com or big___al@hotmail.com! Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button here on Podbean or Itunes

Monday Dec 03, 2012
Wrestleshock episode 14 - Survivor Series review, TLC preview and more
Monday Dec 03, 2012
Monday Dec 03, 2012
Mike Lacey is finally back onto the Wrestleshock podcast as the guys go over a few things that have happened in the world of WWE. The guys run down the Survivor Series card and what their thoughts were of the ppv and the lead up to the upcoming TLC ppv with only 3 matches being announced at time of recording. Mike also gives his thoughts on the CM Punk Best in the World DVD and Chris gives his thoughts on NWO The Revolution DVD which was sent from Silvervision.co.uk. Chris also promotes the upcoming website that will be carrying the WWE DVDs/Blu-rays in Europe. just head to www.wwedvd.co.uk and register your details for the upcoming releases in 2013! Make sure to check out Chris and Operation Retroshock host Allan Price with friends Hayley Stewart and Chris Hill on the YouTube videos they have done. Subscribe to NIconnectionWWE on Youtube and send in your ideas for the chance to win DVDS! Follow Chris on Twitter @Vinto316 and Mike on @mlacey91

Sunday Nov 25, 2012
Northern Ireland Wrestling Connection Parts 1-3
Sunday Nov 25, 2012
Sunday Nov 25, 2012
Welcome Everyone to a glimpse at the new YouTube show that both Operation Retroshock hosts Allan and Chris are involved in the 'Northern Ireland Wrestling Connection.' Allan and Chris alongside their 2 friends Chris Hill and Hayley Stewart will every while be sitting down and talking about wrestling as they prepare for their trip together to Wrestlemania 29 in NJ/NY. We present you with Parts 1-3 and you can catch the final 2 parts of the first episode this Tuesday, November 27th at www.youtube.com/user/niconnectionwwe! Don't forget to subscribe! Enjoy! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be a part of the show by contacting us in a number of ways: Join our Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/OperationRetroshock and Twitter: @Retroshock316 these places are where you can discuss anything that happens on the show and request things for the future! So check it out! Skype: Vinto316 - Leave us a voicemail to do with your thoughts on what has been covered or just something to be played on the show. Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button here on Podbean or Itunes

Monday Nov 19, 2012
Operation Retroshock - Episode 53
Monday Nov 19, 2012
Monday Nov 19, 2012
Welcome Everyone to Episode 53 of Operation Retroshock! This October marked a very special landmark in cinema, in October 1962 James Bond hit the silver screen for the first time with Dr No. Then 50 years on in October 2012 Skyfall was released to celebrate the anniversary. It is only right that we celebrate with our own James Bond special! Allan and Chris sit down and discuss Goldfinger, Goldeneye, Goldeneye on the N64 and also about the actors who have played Bond. So sit back get yourself a Vodka Martini and enjoy the show! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be a part of the show by contacting us in a number of ways: Join our Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/OperationRetroshock and Twitter: @Retroshock316 these places are where you can discuss anything that happens on the show and request things for the future! So check it out! Skype: Vinto316 - Leave us a voicemail to do with your thoughts on what has been covered or just something to be played on the show. Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button here on Podbean or Itunes

Saturday Nov 10, 2012
Wrestleshock Reviews - Episode 10
Saturday Nov 10, 2012
Saturday Nov 10, 2012
Hey guys and welcome back to another overdue episode of Wrestleshock. thanks again to Brian T Stevenson for the intro and you can check out Brian's site at http://www.bsvoices.com/ or on twitter briantstevenson. Chris is all alone again as Mike is busy watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles at the time of recording. (its for what the shell ;)) and he has two reviews which are Money in the bank 2012 and CM Punk Best in the World. These products are available from www.silvervision.co.uk and are available on blu-ray or DVD. Chris also mentions about an upcoming project that he is doing with Chris H, Hayley Stewart and Allan Price. Be a part of the show by contacting us in a number of ways: Join our Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/OperationRetroshock and Twitter: @Retroshock316 or @Wrestleshock316 these places are where you can discuss anything that happens on the show and request things for the future! So check it out! Chris is @Vinto316 Skype: Vinto316 - Leave us a voicemail to do with your thoughts on what has been covered or just something to be played on the show. Or why not email your hosts - vinto316@gmail.com or big___al@hotmail.com! Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button here on Podbean or Itunes

Thursday Nov 01, 2012
ORS Reviews - Episode 14
Thursday Nov 01, 2012
Thursday Nov 01, 2012
Hello everyone and welcome to episode 14 of ORS Reviews! In this episode Chris and Allan review the recently released Rocksmith, is it a smash hit or a flop? After that they review the latest member of the Tekken family, Tekken Tag Tournament 2. Did it knock us out? Or is it worth going a couple of rounds? Find out what we think of them both and hear what is coming up in the next episode of Operation Retroshock! Enjoy the show! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be a part of the show by contacting us in a number of ways: Join our Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/OperationRetroshock and Twitter: @Retroshock316 these places are where you can discuss anything that happens on the show and request things for the future! So check it out! Skype: Vinto316 - Leave us a voicemail to do with your thoughts on what has been covered or just something to be played on the show. Or why not email your hosts - vinto316@gmail.com or big___al@hotmail.com! Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button here on Podbean or Itunes

Sunday Oct 21, 2012
ORS Reviews - Episode 13
Sunday Oct 21, 2012
Sunday Oct 21, 2012
Hello everyone and welcome to episode 13 of ORS Reviews! In this episode Chris and Allan review the recently released Resident Evil 6, did the guys enjoy it or did it stink like the undead? After that they preview the upcoming WWE '13 game by running through the roster....literally and giving their thoughts about the addition of the Attitude Era and much more! Enjoy the show! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be a part of the show by contacting us in a number of ways: Join our Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/OperationRetroshock and Twitter: @Retroshock316 these places are where you can discuss anything that happens on the show and request things for the future! So check it out! Skype: Vinto316 - Leave us a voicemail to do with your thoughts on what has been covered or just something to be played on the show. Or why not email your hosts - vinto316@gmail.com or big___al@hotmail.com! Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button here on Podbean or Itunes

Sunday Oct 14, 2012
ORS Reviews - Episode 12
Sunday Oct 14, 2012
Sunday Oct 14, 2012
Hello everyone and welcome to episode 12 of ORS Reviews! In this episode Chris and Allan review 2 games that should have helped people be entertained during the Summer slump when it comes to games. So sit back and see what they guys think of New Super Mario Bros. 2 and Transformers: Fall of Cybertron! Enjoy! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be a part of the show by contacting us in a number of ways: Join our Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/OperationRetroshock and Twitter: @Retroshock316 these places are where you can discuss anything that happens on the show and request things for the future! So check it out! Skype: Vinto316 - Leave us a voicemail to do with your thoughts on what has been covered or just something to be played on the show. Or why not email your hosts - vinto316@gmail.com or big___al@hotmail.com! Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button here on Podbean or Itunes

Thursday Sep 27, 2012
Operation Retroshock - Episode 52: A Vint-age special!
Thursday Sep 27, 2012
Thursday Sep 27, 2012
Hello everyone and welcome to a very very special episode of Operation Retroshock. As some of you may know that Chris' dad, Gary had been diagnosed with Lung Cancer and Chris is doing a fundraiser on the 29th September for Macmillan cancer research. The person who donated the most money via paypal would have an episode of Operation Retroshock or Wrestleshock dedicated to them. Rory Bradfield generously donated the highest amount and chose for Chris' father to pick the subjects of this episode. Many thanks Rory, the hosts had some great fun discussing the chosen topics! First up is the buddy film that started it all with Riggs and Murtaugh in Lethal Weapon. This was a very popular film with Gary and gave the hosts some notes to read out. Then we go from the crime busting duo to the cat and mouse of Tom and Jerry. Would this cartoon work today? Is it too violent? The hosts then have a musical interlude before discussing one of Gary's favourite TV programme of all time - Auf Wiedersehen Pet starring some top notch talent such as Christopher Fairbank, Timothy Spall and Jimmy Nail. Some of our american listeners may not be familiar with this but look for it on YouTube or DVD. You wont be sorry! We have a great song to round out the show! If you would like to make a contribution to the upcoming Coffee Morning that Chris and his sister are holding, then please send what you can to chrisvint@hotmail.com. Thank you to everyone for your ongoing support! Be a part of the show by contacting us in a number of ways: Join our Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/OperationRetroshock and Twitter: @Retroshock316 these places are where you can discuss anything that happens on the show and request things for the future! So check it out! Skype: Vinto316 - Leave us a voicemail to do with your thoughts on what has been covered or just something to be played on the show. Or why not email your hosts - vinto316@gmail.com or big___al@hotmail.com! Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button here on Podbean or Itunes