Its time to watch your favourite TV Show or Tune in your NES and join the guys for their views as we deploy Operation Retroshock!

Monday Mar 25, 2013
Wrestleshock - Episode 18
Monday Mar 25, 2013
Monday Mar 25, 2013
Welcome everyone to Episode 18 of Wrestleshock! Chris is joined by his Operation Retroshock Co-Host Allan Price to continue getting in the Wrestlemania spirit. This week they kick back and talk about the current Wrestlemania card at the time of recording (17th March) and what else they would like to see. Enjoy! Follow Chris on Twitter - @vinto316 or Allan on Twitter - @AllanGWPrice. The show is @Wrestleshock316!

Monday Mar 18, 2013
Wrestleshock - Episode 17
Monday Mar 18, 2013
Monday Mar 18, 2013
Welcome everyone to Episode 17 of Wrestleshock! Chris is joined by his Operation Retroshock Co-Host Allan Price to get fully into the Wrestlemania spirit, and what better way to start than to go through The Undertaker's streak at the grandest stage of them all? Enjoy! Follow Chris on Twitter - @vinto316 or Allan on Twitter - @AllanGWPrice. The show is @Wrestleshock316!

Sunday Feb 24, 2013
Operation Retroshock - Episode 56 (3rd Anniversary Show)
Sunday Feb 24, 2013
Sunday Feb 24, 2013
Welcome Everyone to Episode 56 of Operation Retroshock! And not only that it marks our 3rd Anniversary! In this show Chris and Allan decided to take a walk down memory lane by discussing their favourite things from the last 3 years of the show. On the agenda? Doctor Who, our interviews with the likes of Larry Kenney, Eric Stuart, Alyson Court, Townsend Coleman and Chris Jericho to name but a few. Our trip to GAMEfest, Wrestlemania and last but by no means least Star Wars! Plus the first part of the show was filmed and is available on YouTube on Allan's account: AllanGWPrice So sit back and enjoy the memories with us! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be a part of the show by contacting us in a number of ways: Join our Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/OperationRetroshock and Twitter: @Retroshock316 these places are where you can discuss anything that happens on the show and request things for the future! So check it out! Skype: Vinto316 - Leave us a voicemail to do with your thoughts on what has been covered or just something to be played on the show. Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button here on Podbean or Itunes

Sunday Feb 24, 2013
Wrestleshock Reviews #18
Sunday Feb 24, 2013
Sunday Feb 24, 2013
Welcome all to another review show brought to you courtesy of our good friends over at wwedvd.co.uk the home of all upcoming WWE DVDs and Blu-rays in Europe! Make sure to follow them twitter - wwehomevideouk and on Facebook www.facebook.com/wwehomevideouk. Also their newsletter has plenty of information about upcoming items so you are always in the know! Chris first reviews the traditional November ppv which is Survivor Series 2012. The main event is CM Punk vs John Cena vs Ryback. Will Ryback get his revenge from being screwed out of winning the title at Hell in a Cell? Also will Team Foley be the team that survives against Team Ziggler? Also if you pre-order this (released 4th March) you can stand the chance of winning 1 of 40 Ryback signed sleeves! After Chris goes through his thoughts on the Survivor Series card, he then moves onto a great set that is out pretty much every year and that is The Best PPV Matches of 2012. From the unforgettable match that HHH and The Undertaker had at Wrestlemania 28, to the Memorable match that CM Punk and Daniel Bryan had at Money in the Bank or perhaps the epic elimination chamber confrontation with Cody Rhodes, The Great Khali, Santino Marella, Daniel Bryan, Wade Barrett and the Big Show. There is something for everyone in this great set and head over to wwedvd.co.uk to get your copy. Follow Chris on Twitter - @Vinto316 and also check out his Youtube Channel - Vintomania where there is plenty of Wrestling talk going on there!

Tuesday Feb 19, 2013
Tuesday Feb 19, 2013
Hello all and welcome to an episode of....Masters of the Universe Chronicles? Is that right? yes it is. Allan and Chris will be celebrating their 3 year anniversary of doing Operation Retroshock and some of you followers may know that Chris started his podcasting with a He-Man podcast called Masters of the Universe Chronicles. This interview was recorded on 29th January 2010 so its very appropriate that it is 3 years old but it is still worth a listen as Mr Ditillio is a fantastic gentleman to listen to. Some other interviews may be put on this feed as well and make sure if you are wanting to listen to a He-Man podcast, search Itunes and you have the likes of Masterscast, Roast Gooble Dinner and Tales of Eternia to name but a few. Mr Ditillio talks about his time working on the classic Filmation He-Man series, how the name of She-Ra came about and a very interesting name for a toy! Why not send in your birthday greetings to Allan and Chris on their 3 years doing Operation Retroshock and make sure to follow them on Twitter where you can win a copy of Kid Icarus on the Nintendo 3DS when they reach so many followers. Thanks for listening and until next time!

Tuesday Feb 05, 2013
Wrestleshock Reviews #17 - Wrestling with Shadows 10th anniversary
Tuesday Feb 05, 2013
Tuesday Feb 05, 2013
Two reviews in one week? yes your eyes are not playing tricks on you! Chris is back with another review and this time it is the fantastic two disc set of Hitman Hart - Wrestling with shadows. Chris discusses the first disc which is the Hitman Hart portion - how Bret was torn on whether to leave the WWE or not, his idea on how to end the Survivor Series match and the break down of the relationship with Vince Mcmahon and himself. Then its on to disc 2 which is the Life and death of Owen Hart. This is a very emotional set as we see Owen talking about things such as the tombstone he gave to Stone Cold Steve Austin and how his death affected those in the wrestling industry, http://www.silvervision.co.uk/products/Wrestling-With-Shadows-10th-Anni-Collector-s-Edition-DVD-2-Discs.html - this is link to order this fine set and plenty of WWE items on offer so grab yourself a few bargains while you can! Follow Chris on twitter - @vinto316 and the show @Wrestleshock316

Sunday Feb 03, 2013
Wrestleshock Reviews #16 - Raw 100 moments and Attitude Era review
Sunday Feb 03, 2013
Sunday Feb 03, 2013
Welcome back to another episode of Wrestleshock Reviews and thank you once again to Brian T Stevenson for the fantastic voice over at the start. Courtesy of the new home of WWE DVDS www.wwedvd.co.uk, Chris brings you two reviews of the new websites items. First up is an era that a lot of fans want to go back to and that is the WWE Attitude Era. We see the likes of Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, HHH, DX, The McMahons and much more on this set. Is the documentary better than CM Punk's best in the world? Find out what Chris has to say, Next up is the review of the Top 100 Raw Moments. Chris goes through some of the numbers that mean something to him and what his thoughts on this set. The blu-ray in particular has some outstanding extras which may be music to your ears. Does this countdown beat the Top 50 superstars and the the Top 50 finishing moves? Chris will reveal all Finally you can sign up for the newsletter at www.wwedvd.co.uk and find out about the latest releases and competitions as well. Head over now and see what other items are coming out that you would like to pre-order Follow Chris on Twitter - @Vinto316 and the show @Wrestleshock316.

Monday Jan 28, 2013
Wrestleshock - Episode 16 - Royal Rumble Special
Monday Jan 28, 2013
Monday Jan 28, 2013
Welcome everyone to Episode 16 of Wrestleshock! Chris is joined by fellow members of the Northern Ireland Wrestling Connection Chris Hill aka Mr Big Red on Youtube and his Operation Retroshock Co-Host Allan Price (Hayley sadly could not join us) to preview everything to do with this years Royal Rumble. Enjoy! Follow Chris on Twitter - @vinto316 or Mike on Twitter - @mlacey91. The show is @Wrestleshock316!

Monday Jan 21, 2013
Operation Retroshock - Episode 55
Monday Jan 21, 2013
Monday Jan 21, 2013
Welcome Everyone to Episode 55 of Operation Retroshock! In this show Chris and Allan thought it would be best to start of the New Year by looking at some of the things that 2013 is going to bring, such as big anniversaries in both the movie and game world. Not only that but they take a look at what games are coming out in 2013! So sit back and enjoy the show! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be a part of the show by contacting us in a number of ways: Join our Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/OperationRetroshock and Twitter: @Retroshock316 these places are where you can discuss anything that happens on the show and request things for the future! So check it out! Skype: Vinto316 - Leave us a voicemail to do with your thoughts on what has been covered or just something to be played on the show. Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button here on Podbean or Itunes

Wednesday Jan 09, 2013
Wrestleshock Episode #15 - 2012 a year in review
Wednesday Jan 09, 2013
Wednesday Jan 09, 2013
Welcome one and all to the first of hopefully many episodes of Wrestleshock for 2013. Mike and Chris sit down and talk about the year in WWE. They go over the year in WWE with the PPVs that happened every month. Was the return of Brock Lesnar a big deal? What about the Big Show? Has mike warmed to him or has Chris made a new years resolution and learned to love Mick Foley....i dont think so. At the start of the podcast there is an announcement about a VERY special guest who will be appearing. Email vinto316@gmail.com with the questions for the guest and please follow the guidelines! Follow Chris on Twitter - @vinto316 or Mike on Twitter - @mlacey91. The show is @Wrestleshock316!