Its time to watch your favourite TV Show or Tune in your NES and join the guys for their views as we deploy Operation Retroshock!

Wednesday Feb 07, 2018
Operation Retroshock - Episode 94 (Solo & Avengers Superbowl Trailer Bonanza)
Wednesday Feb 07, 2018
Wednesday Feb 07, 2018
Welcome Everyone to Episode 94 of Operation Retroshock!
The Return has finally happened! Chris and Allan are back with a brand new episode after just over 3 and a half years. What we've been up to will be saved for another time but all you need to know is we're back just in time for what is the 8th Anniversary of Retroshock on Feb 11th.
On the agenda is the 2 main stand out trailers from Superbowl Sunday. (Han) Solo and Avengers Infinity War.
We take you through the trailers discuss what jumps out to us and give some speculation for good measure. So feel free to load up youtube and follow along!
As always Enjoy!
(Also get in touch via social media, we'd love to hear from old school listeners. Plus feel free to spread the word that we're back.)
Be a part of the show by contacting us in a number of ways: Join our Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/OperationRetroshock and Twitter: @Retroshock316 @Vinto316 and @AllanGWPrice these places are where you can discuss anything that happens on the show and request things for the future! So check it out! Skype: Vinto316 - Leave us a voicemail to do with your thoughts on what has been covered or just something to be played on the show. Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button here on Podbean or Itunes

Wednesday Jan 10, 2018
Masters of the Universe Chronicles - From the Archive - "The Starchild" Commentary
Wednesday Jan 10, 2018
Wednesday Jan 10, 2018
Welcome to the another Masters of the Universe Chronicles bonus episode for all you Operation Retroshock listeners! The Masters of the Universe Chronicles Commentary is back for another episode!
In this, another of many bonus commentary episode, Chris and He-Man cartoon expert James “Busta Toons” Eatock commentate on “The Starchild”, one of Chris' favourite episodes and only fitting this goes up on his birthday. So if you have the DVD, why not join us by popping it in your player. All you need do is press the play button on your DVD remote when we instruct you to! The audio of the episode is in the background so you will hear what we’re talking about regardless.
So what episode will be uploaded next? Well you will find out soon enough! Hope you all enjoy it and until next time!

Wednesday Jan 03, 2018
Masters of the Universe Chronicles - From the Archive - "No Job Too Small" Commentary
Wednesday Jan 03, 2018
Wednesday Jan 03, 2018
Welcome to the another Masters of the Universe Chronicles bonus episode for all you Operation Retroshock listeners! The Masters of the Universe Chronicles Commentary is back for another episode!
In this, another of many bonus commentary episode, Chris and He-Man cartoon expert James “Busta Toons” Eatock commentate on “No Job Too Small”. So if you have the DVD, why not join us by popping it in your player. All you need do is press the play button on your DVD remote when we instruct you to! The audio of the episode is in the background so you will hear what we’re talking about regardless.
So what episode will be uploaded next? Well you will find out soon enough! Hope you all enjoy it and until next time!

Thursday Dec 28, 2017
Thursday Dec 28, 2017
Welcome to the another Masters of the Universe Chronicles bonus episode for all you Operation Retroshock listeners! The Masters of the Universe Chronicles Commentary is back for another episode!
In this, another of many bonus commentary episode, Chris and He-Man cartoon expert James “Busta Toons” Eatock commentate on “The Shadow of Skeletor”. So if you have the DVD, why not join us by popping it in your player. All you need do is press the play button on your DVD remote when we instruct you to! The audio of the episode is in the background so you will hear what we’re talking about regardless.
So what episode will be uploaded next? Well you will find out soon enough! Hope you all enjoy it and until next time!

Tuesday Dec 19, 2017
Masters of the Universe Chronicles - From the Archive - Robert Lamb Interview
Tuesday Dec 19, 2017
Tuesday Dec 19, 2017
So its near that time of year again - yes its near Christmas time! Remember all the fun times getting He-Man or She-Ra figures from Santa?
well i cant give you all that but the next best thing i can do is give you an interview...actually my first high profile interview i did on Masters of the Universe Chronicles which was Robert Lamb. This episode has a very christmassy feel to it so thats why its out a week before xmas.
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to everyone who has welcomed this show back and has been a fan of the show old or new, you all rock and thank you to everyone.
This interview first aired on 19th December 2009 - so i have decided to re-upload it on the same day some 8 years later....thats scary to type that!
Again massive thanks to Allan Price who has granted me access to Castle Grayskull and upload these fond memories i have for you all to enjoy again!

Sunday Dec 17, 2017
From the archives - Masters of the Universe Movie Commentary
Sunday Dec 17, 2017
Sunday Dec 17, 2017
So we have had some commentaries from James Eatock and myself and now we have a long commentary but this is with a different James.
James Sawyer, Dylan Cook and myself talk bout the 80's classic movie starring Dolph Lundgren and an unknown at the time Courtney Cox!
What are our thoughts on this film and what about Gwildor? Woud we have preffered Orko or did we like the Chicken loving Gwildor!
make sure to hit play when we tell you and enjoy the ride as we talk about the only He-Man movie in existance (well at time of publishing this in 2017!)

Monday Dec 11, 2017
Monday Dec 11, 2017
Welcome to the another Masters of the Universe Chronicles bonus episode for all you Operation Retroshock listeners! The Masters of the Universe Chronicles Commentary is back for another episode!
In this, another of many bonus commentary episode, Chris and He-Man cartoon expert James “Busta Toons” Eatock commentate on “Double Edged Sword”. So if you have the DVD, why not join us by popping it in your player. All you need do is press the play button on your DVD remote when we instruct you to! The audio of the episode is in the background so you will hear what we’re talking about regardless.
So what episode will be uploaded next? Well you will find out soon enough! Hope you all enjoy it and until next time!

Monday Dec 04, 2017
Monday Dec 04, 2017
So this is a mega episode - it marked the 2 year anniversary of me hosting Masters of the Universe Chronicles - i had an interview with Doug Howard aka Songster and if youre not familiar with the name, you will be by the end of the show.
Not only that but my good podcasting friends James Sawyer and Dylan Cook join me in doing a commentary on the Masters of the Universe live action movie! youre in for a treat here!
Hope you all enjoy this and thanks again to Allan Price for allowing this to grace the podcast of Operation Retroshock

Monday Nov 27, 2017
Monday Nov 27, 2017
Welcome to the another Masters of the Universe Chronicles bonus episode for all you Operation Retroshock listeners! The Masters of the Universe Chronicles Commentary is back for another episode!
In this, another of many bonus commentary episode, Chris and He-Man cartoon expert James “Busta Toons” Eatock commentate on “The Mystery of Man-E-Faces”, one of Chris' favourite characters. So if you have the DVD, why not join us by popping it in your player. All you need do is press the play button on your DVD remote when we instruct you to! The audio of the episode is in the background so you will hear what we’re talking about regardless.
So what episode will be uploaded next? Well you will find out soon enough! Hope you all enjoy it and until next time!

Monday Nov 20, 2017
Masters of the Universe Chronicles - From the Archvie - Tom Sito Interview
Monday Nov 20, 2017
Monday Nov 20, 2017
First published on 14th August 2010 - hear another interview from the vault of Castle Grayskull as next up for your listening pleasure is Tom Sito. Ive a feeling that this was one of my last interviews i did for the podcast as it was starting to wind down.
Hope you enjoy this trip down memory lane and again, major thanks to Allan Price for allowing me to post it here! Greatly Appreciated sir!