Its time to watch your favourite TV Show or Tune in your NES and join the guys for their views as we deploy Operation Retroshock!

Saturday Jun 19, 2010
Operation Retroshock - Episode 7
Saturday Jun 19, 2010
Saturday Jun 19, 2010
Well Hello there and Welcome to Episode 7 of Operation Retroshock! This Episode is nice and different because Allan and Chris are joined by Pop Culture Network colleague Suine Hallock and if you are a Pop Culture regular you know what that means! Its Turtle Time! Our First topic of discussion is the remaining Resident Evil games. As you can remember the guys covered Resident Evil 5 in the very First Episode of Operation Retroshock, so they felt it was fitting to re-visit the series with Suine and discuss numbers 1 - 4. So are you up for another trip into the land of Resident Evil or are you gonna cover your ears, close your eyes and hide? Oh come on you know you wanna hear! Secondly we discussed an area close to our guests heart. He doesn't have a show on PCN called Radical Retro Turtle Toy Talk for no reason! Suine and the guys talk about the Teenage Mutant Ninja/Hero Turtles games that have come out across the years and ask whether re-makes are necessary or should the money going in to developing new games? Next on the list is Metal Gear Solid, Chris' choice. They talk about the good, the bad and the ugly of Metal Gear. What was good about the originals and why we think the latest edition was a big let down. Plus for once it isn't Allan giving off, Chris makes it known just how much he hates Raiden! It is rather funny when Chris hates something. Finally, Allan gets to have his say on what is discussed, his choice? Mario Kart! What can be said about Mario Kart other than AMAZING! So buckle in and prepare for the ride of your life with the Mario gang and watch Yoshi's Kart go in two speeds Faaaast and waaaaaay to Faaaaaaast! You'll get it when you listen! Allan and Chris round up by revealing a BIG name guest and we mean BIG, for Episode 8 and trust us, its gonna be something you'll be dying to hear! ! All this and more on Episode 7 of Operation Retroshock! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be a part of the show by contacting us in a number of ways: Join our Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/OperationRetroshock and Twitter: @Retroshock316 these places are where you can discuss anything that happens on the show and request things for the future! So check it out! Skype: Vinto316 - Leave us a voicemail to do with your thoughts on what has been covered or just something to be played on the show. Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button here on Podbean or Itunes

Saturday Jun 05, 2010
Operation Retroshock - Episode 6
Saturday Jun 05, 2010
Saturday Jun 05, 2010
Episode 6 is here! Thats right the first "Bonus" Episode of Operation Retroshock has arrived and you are in for a special treat. As the guys are now going to be doing the show on a more regular basis and thus they will be going back to their old format every other show! Yes that means Retro TV and Movies are Back! Soooo... Our First subject of this show is what can be considered one of the biggest things in wrestling history....The Monday Night Wars! Allan and Chris talk about all things MNW's, the people involved, the storylines and make passing reference to the epic fail that was TNA's attempt to bring the war back! The guys then shift gears into our second segment that looks at the amazing Retro movie, Who Framed Roger Rabbit! Brought to us by the two men who were the brains behind Allan's favourite movie series (Back to the Future) Robert Zemeckis and Steven Spielberg. The guys talk about how this is such a memorable movie not only for it being so entertaining but for the technology used at the time. Is it true that Bob Hoskins went mad after filming? Also Allan attempts an impression of Porky Pig.....oooooh Pleeeease Noo! The next port of call is a subject that the guys have got endless amounts of requests to cover, it is of course the Amazing, the Legendary and Extremely Retrotastic.....THUNDERCATS HOOOOOO! Not much needs to be said but that! Allan and Chris talk about their favourite characters, what they thought of the theme, the merchandise line and drop hints for the future of Thundercats on the show....Interested? Oh you will be! Finally we do not have a 4th subject as such, but the guys debut a new segment by the name of Allan Vs Chris! We shall not tell you what it involves here, you will have to listen and then guess what is gonna happen! After this the guys round out the show in their usual fashion and announce not only their first competition but a special guest for Episode 7! All this and more on Episode 6 of Operation Retroshock! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be a part of the show by contacting us in a number of ways: Join our Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/OperationRetroshock and Twitter: @Retroshock316 these places are where you can discuss anything that happens on the show and request things for the future! So check it out! Skype: Vinto316 - Leave us a voicemail to do with your thoughts on what has been covered or just something to be played on the show. Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button here on Podbean or Itunes

Saturday May 22, 2010
Operation Retroshock - Episode 5
Saturday May 22, 2010
Saturday May 22, 2010
Hello and Welcome to the latest addition of Operation Retroshock, its Episode 5 time and the guys have pulled another classic line up of games out the bag!
The First subject for this show is a quirky and interesting game that is a fond favourite of Chris’ the game is Animal Crossing for the Gamecube, DS and Wii. Allan tags along in this one as he doesn’t know as much when it comes to Animal Crossing but Chris gives one hell of a great run down of life in his own village.
Our next stop picks up the pace as we get stuck into talking about Sonic Adventure on the Dreamcast! The guys talk about their memories of Sonic and have a laugh at the fact that Allan didn’t actually have a Dreamcast and discuss how he actually played the game back in the day. Not only that but they give a run down of Sega’s success in recent years and ask the question could we see a Sega revival in years to come? You’ll have to listen to find out!
The Third stop of the show takes the guys down a Warp Pipe to Super Mario Bros. 3 for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Chris and Allan have a great chat about what they loved about the game and the new features it brought into the Mario series. The guys also have a bit of a rant about the current state of Nintendo and why they are losing their focus; does Wii Fit ring a bell? Allan also gets a bit annoyed at Chris twice in this segment, goodness knows what about as they always seem to give off to one another!
Finally on the show Allan gets as close to his dream of hosting an episode of Top Gear as he more than likely ever will! Allan and Chris look at Gran Turismo on the Playstation 1! Well when we say Allan and Chris we mean Allan, Chris nods in agreement as you will probably guess when you listen, Chris isn’t a Petrol head or Gear head for our American listeners.
So sit back relax and enjoy the show!
Just a final announcement, Operation Retroshock will be doing the occasional bonus shows over the next few months and they will focus back on Retro movies/TV etc. so contact us at the details below telling us what you would liked covered!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be a part of the show by contacting us in a number of ways: Join our Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/OperationRetroshock and Twitter: @Retroshock316 these places are where you can discuss anything that happens on the show and request things for the future! So check it out! Skype: Vinto316 - Leave us a voicemail to do with your thoughts on what has been covered or just something to be played on the show. Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button here on Podbean or Itunes

Saturday May 01, 2010
Operation Retroshock - Episode 4
Saturday May 01, 2010
Saturday May 01, 2010
Its on like Donkey Kong! Hello everyone and Welcome to Episode 4 of Operation Retroshock! ITS GAME TIME! As you may have guessed this show is going to be game related. This is the perfect subject for our hosts who work surprise, surprise at a game store! The first subject at hand for the show is the global phenomina known as Pokemon! Yes we here at Operation Retroshock are going to try and Catch em' All! Allan and Chris look back at the original games that hit shelves just over a decade ago, that's right Pokemon Red and Blue for the Game boy. The guys talk about how they discovered Pokemon and just some of the crazy stories from across the years that have come about as a result of these Pocket Monsters. Not only are the original games looked at but there are passing comments about the Anime and other games released over the years. Next we take a trip to Donkey Kong Island to look at a game close to Allan's heart, Donkey Kong Country on the SNES. Why is this so? you'll just have to listen and find out! The guys talk about how revolutionary this title was both graphically, musically and in playability. So why not grab a banana and listen out for Allan making an idiot of himself at the start of the segment! The 3rd port of call for Allan and Chris is the fantastic holiday hot spot that is Vice City. Arguably the best Grand Theft Auto game in history but certainly the best for the story and music/radio stations. People still talk to this day that the music has a lasting impact on them so the guys will talk about this a great deal. So pull on a Hawaiian shirt, grab a cocktail and slide on those shades as we give you a tour of Vice City on PS2! The finally game over the evening requires us to go deep undercover alongside the world most famous Secret Agent....Bond, James, Bond....wait a tick if he is the world most secret agent then how do we know of him? Never mind! We take a look at Goldeneye on the Nintendo 64, a game that many consider one of the best games ever to grace the N64 and that's saying something! Listen up for what the guys have planned to do with the best N64 games! The guys round up the show by discussing about you guys, yes you the person reading this! They want you to get involved with the show, drop them an Email or MP3. It can be anything game related, talk about any gaming memory you have or talk about your memories of the games covered in this episode! Leaving a voicemail will get you on the show and it would be great to hear from you. Contact us at the details as always at the bottom here. (Note: Allan and Chris have decided to go the gaming route this episode as it is something they are considering making a permanent move, not to say they will never do some other great Retro stuff down the line) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be a part of the show by contacting us in a number of ways: Join our Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/OperationRetroshock and Twitter: @Retroshock316 these places are where you can discuss anything that happens on the show and request things for the future! So check it out! Skype: Vinto316 - Leave us a voicemail to do with your thoughts on what has been covered or just something to be played on the show. Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button here on Podbean or Itunes

Saturday Mar 27, 2010
Operation Retroshock - Wrestlemania Special
Saturday Mar 27, 2010
Saturday Mar 27, 2010
Hello everyone and Welcome to Episode 3 of Operation Retroshock. In this Episode Allan and Chris decide that because it is Wrestlemania Season they would provide their own little piece on the event known as "The Grand-daddy of them All!" The show begins with Allan and Chris getting pumped up for the event by taking us on a trip back in time as only Operation Retroshock can. They give us a rundown of every Wrestlemania event to date, yes they bring you Wrestlemania's 1 through 25. That means matches starring Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, Randy Savage, Rowdy Piper, Ultimate Warrior, Macho Man Randy Savage and "The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase right up to the Attitude and Modern Era with The Undertaker, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Triple H, Chris Jericho, Shawn Michaels, John Cena and Randy Orton to name but a few. This is a segment not to be missed and if you have been living under a wrestling rock then this is all you need to listen to, to bring you up to Wrestlemania speed. After the break Allan and Chris dive straight in this year’s Wrestlemania, Wrestlemania 26 from Phoenix, Arizona! The guys take you down the card, with matches such as Chris Jericho Vs. Edge, Money in the Bank and Undertaker Vs. Shawn Michaels. They give their opinion on the individuals in the matches and whether they think the match will grab your attention and then of course make their predictions on who they think will win! To Round out the show Allan and Chris play The Undertaker's "Funeral March" which fades into Wrestlemania 26's Theme "I Made It" by Kevin Rudolf. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be a part of the show by contacting us in a number of ways: Join our Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/OperationRetroshock and Twitter: @Retroshock316 these places are where you can discuss anything that happens on the show and request things for the future! So check it out! Skype: Vinto316 - Leave us a voicemail to do with your thoughts on what has been covered or just something to be played on the show. Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button here on Podbean or Itunes

Saturday Mar 06, 2010
Operation Retroshock - Episode 2
Saturday Mar 06, 2010
Saturday Mar 06, 2010
Welcome to the 2nd Episode of Operation Retroshock and boy have we got a show for you! This Episode is different to the first show as Chris and Allan were joined by friend, Lawrence Case to talk about his favourite Movie and Franchise of all time, Ghostbusters! They all sit down and discuss the Original Movie, one key talking point being whether John Belushi would have been better then Bill Murray as Peter Venkman, if he had not died. We not only talk about the First Movie but about the Cartoons, Video Games and one of the most desired Movies in recent History, the possibility of a Ghostbusters 3! After the break we come back and are joined by another friend, Andy Evans to talk about one of the most memorable events in Wrestling History, that is Wrestlemania 8! Chris, Allan, Lawrence and Andy have a roundtable discussion about the matches that happened at the Event and the individuals that stood out from the Pay-Per-View such as Rowdy Roddy Piper, Bret Hart, Ted DiBiase, Ric Flair and of course Hulk Hogan. To Round out the show Chris and Allan play "So Unkind" by Lawrence Case's Voodoo Vegas. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be a part of the show by contacting us in a number of ways: Join our Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/OperationRetroshock and Twitter: @Retroshock316 these places are where you can discuss anything that happens on the show and request things for the future! So check it out! Skype: Vinto316 - Leave us a voicemail to do with your thoughts on what has been covered or just something to be played on the show. Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button here on Podbean or Itunes

Thursday Feb 11, 2010
Operation Retroshock - Episode 1
Thursday Feb 11, 2010
Thursday Feb 11, 2010
Welcome to the very 1st Edition of Operation Retroshock, the show that will not only focus on all things Retro but will have some Modern stuff thrown in for good measure! We want you to remember the fun in your childhood, all those old TV Shows and Movies you watched and Games you played! In our 1st Episode we cover the legendary Movie that is Back to the Future, we discuss some current and past Doctor Who. Review the Founder of TNA Wrestling, Jeff Jarrett's King of the Mountain DVD and finally we let our views be heard on one of the Noughties best games, Resident Evil 5! Be part of the show, before it goes Retro too! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be a part of the show by contacting us in a number of ways: Join our Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/OperationRetroshock and Twitter: @Retroshock316 these places are where you can discuss anything that happens on the show and request things for the future! So check it out! Skype: Vinto316 - Leave us a voicemail to do with your thoughts on what has been covered or just something to be played on the show. Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button here on Podbean or Itunes