Its time to watch your favourite TV Show or Tune in your NES and join the guys for their views as we deploy Operation Retroshock!

Friday Oct 11, 2013
Operation Retroshock - Episode 65
Friday Oct 11, 2013
Friday Oct 11, 2013
Welcome Everyone to Episode 65 of Operation Retroshock!
In this Episode Allan & Chris sit down
and preview one of the most anticipated games of the year! That is of course Pokémon X&Y! We discuss all that has been revealed (up to the day of recording) and talk about what we would like to see in the games.
All this and more in latest Episode of Operation Retroshock, Enjoy!
Be a part of the show by contacting us in a number of ways:
Join our Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/OperationRetroshock and Twitter: @Retroshock316 these places are where you can discuss anything that happens on the show and request things for the future! So check it out!
Skype: Vinto316 - Leave us a voicemail to do with your thoughts on what has been covered or just something to be played on the show.
Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button here on Podbean or Itunes

Friday Oct 04, 2013
Operation Retroshock - Episode 64
Friday Oct 04, 2013
Friday Oct 04, 2013
Welcome Everyone to Episode 64 of Operation Retroshock!
We've been away for a couple of weeks thanks to a pesky illness that has plagued Chris but we're back! In this Episode Allan & Chris sit down and discuss (or well mainly Allan as he actually went) the Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Eurogamer Expo 2013 in London where the latest from the gaming industry was on show!
All this and more in latest Episode of Operation Retroshock, Enjoy!
Be a part of the show by contacting us in a number of ways:
Join our Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/OperationRetroshock and Twitter: @Retroshock316 these places are where you can discuss anything that happens on the show and request things for the future! So check it out!
Skype: Vinto316 - Leave us a voicemail to do with your thoughts on what has been covered or just something to be played on the show.
Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button here on Podbean or Itunes

Thursday Sep 26, 2013
"The Time Corridor" Commentary #3 - MOTU Chronicles
Thursday Sep 26, 2013
Thursday Sep 26, 2013
Hello all and welcome to the another Masters of the Universe Chronicles Commentary. I hope you enjoyed the first two.
In this, the second of many bonus episodes on Operation Retroshock, Chris and He-Man cartoon
expert James “Busta Toons” Eatock commentate on “The Time Corridor”. So if
you have the DVD, why not join us by popping it in your player. All you
need do is press the play button on your DVD remote when we instruct you
to! The audio of the episode is in the background so you will hear what
we’re talking about regardless.

Tuesday Sep 03, 2013
Wrestleshock Episode #20 - Top 5 Feuds
Tuesday Sep 03, 2013
Tuesday Sep 03, 2013
Hey all and welcome to another episode of Wrestleshock.
In this episode we have the return of Mike Lacey as Mike and Chris sit down and go through another top 5 list drawn up by you! Before they get to the submitted lists, Chris talks about the upcoming Blu-ray and DVD release of Triple H - Thy Kingdom Come which you can now pre-order at www.wwedvd.co.uk. The trailer is in the audio as well!
There are so many feuds to go through but Mike and Chris go through your list and talk about a particular rivalry that pops up from everyone's list. We will hopefully be doing more of this. Before the show ends, Chris unveils who wins a Blu-ray copy of The Top 25 Wrestling Rivalries courtesy of WWEDVD.CO.UK and Mike unveils who wins the DVD of the same title.
Make sure to stay tuned as Ben Reid (RealbenreidNew) on Youtube and Operation Retroshock's own Allan Price submit audio versions of their top 5 feuds!
Thanks again to all who took part sending in emails to be read out in this podcast!

Monday Aug 26, 2013
Wrestleshock Reviews #22 - Best of MSG and Payback 2013
Monday Aug 26, 2013
Monday Aug 26, 2013
Hey guys
Welcome back to another episode of Wrestleshock Reviews and this time Chris is joined by Allan Price as we have a couple of reviews coming your way. The first review is the Best of Madison Square Garden which is out 9th September and you can order it here - http://www.wwedvd.co.uk/payback-2013-p-11754.html?osCsid=d02503bcefe9df7253dfd21f14099dfb. Chris goes through the listing of the blu-ray and what are the top moments on this fantastic set available to order through www.wwedvd.co.uk.
The second review is one Allan goes through the WWE ppv Payback which was headlined by Ryback vs John Cena in a three stages of hell match. you can order it here - http://www.wwedvd.co.uk/payback-2013-p-11754.html?osCsid=d02503bcefe9df7253dfd21f14099dfb.
No Holds Barred is also available to pre-order through the site and you can win a Hulk Hogan signed sleeve, so listen to the end of the podcast for the details and here is the link - http://www.wwedvd.co.uk/holds-barred-p-11763.html
Follow Allan on Youtube - Allangwprice and the same on Twitter. Follow Chris on twitter @Vinto316. In the next episode Mike and Chris will go through your top 5 feuds of all time so email yours to vinto316@gmail.com!

Saturday Aug 24, 2013
NIWC/Wrestleshock - Episode 20
Saturday Aug 24, 2013
Saturday Aug 24, 2013
It's a Northern Ireland Wrestling Connection/Wrestleshock mash up this week! Allan and Chris bring their Youtube selves over to the Retroshock feed.
In this show the guys give you their views on last weekend's Summerslam! If you are reading this you have more than likely watched the PPV....but still a word of warning, there are spoilers within!
Be a part of the show by contacting us in a number of ways:
Join our Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/OperationRetroshock and Twitter: @Retroshock316 these places are where you can discuss anything that happens on the show and request things for the future! So check it out!
Skype: Vinto316 - Leave us a voicemail to do with your thoughts on what has been covered or just something to be played on the show.
Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button here on Podbean or Itunes

Friday Aug 16, 2013
"A Friend in Need" Commentary #2 - MOTU Chronicles
Friday Aug 16, 2013
Friday Aug 16, 2013
Hello all and welcome to the another Masters of the Universe Chronicles Commentary. I hope you enjoyed the first one.
In this, the second of many bonus episodes on Operation Retroshock, Chris and He-Man cartoon
expert James “Busta Toons” Eatock commentate on “A Friend in Need”. I
hope that some rock stars hear the moral at the end of the show. So if
you have the DVD, why not join us by popping it in your player. All you
need do is press the play button on your DVD remote when we instruct you
to! The audio of the episode is in the background so you will hear what
we’re talking about regardless.

Sunday Aug 11, 2013
Operation Retroshock - Episode 63
Sunday Aug 11, 2013
Sunday Aug 11, 2013
Welcome Everyone to Episode 63 of Operation Retroshock!
For this Episode Allan and Chris got a request from good friend Suine
Hallock to discuss the 6th Generation of Home Consoles (Playstation 2,
Xbox, Dreamcast and Gamecube.) So sit back relax and see what they have
to say!
All this and more in latest Episode of Operation Retroshock, enjoy.
Be a part of the show by contacting us in a number of ways:
Join our Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/OperationRetroshock and Twitter: @Retroshock316 these places are where you can discuss anything that happens on the show and request things for the future! So check it out!
Skype: Vinto316 - Leave us a voicemail to do with your thoughts on what has been covered or just something to be played on the show.
Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button here on Podbean or Itunes

Sunday Aug 04, 2013
"The Cosmic Comet" Commentary #1 - MOTU Chronicles
Sunday Aug 04, 2013
Sunday Aug 04, 2013
Welcome to the first
Masters of the Universe Chronicles bonus episode for all you Operation Retroshock listeners! This time I
have something special for you. The Masters of the Universe Chronicles
Commentary! That’s right this podcast is now branching out into DVD
In this, the first of many bonus episodes, Chris
and He-Man cartoon expert James “Busta Toons” Eatock commentate on “The
Cosmic Comet”. So if you have the DVD, why not join us by popping it in
your player. All you need do is press the play button on your DVD remote
when we instruct you to! The audio of the episode is in the background
so you will hear what we’re talking about regardless.
Going forward, there may be a commentary or an interview from the Masters of the Universe Chronicles archive. Hope you all enjoy it and until next time!

Sunday Jul 28, 2013
Operation Retroshock - Episode 62
Sunday Jul 28, 2013
Sunday Jul 28, 2013
Welcome Everyone to Episode 62 of Operation Retroshock!
this Episode Allan and Chris decide to sit down and discuss the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers! From their memories of the TV Show to the recent news from SDCC about the re-releases of classic Rangers merch.
All this and more in latest Episode of Operation Retroshock, enjoy.
Be a part of the show by contacting us in a number of ways:
Join our Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/OperationRetroshock and Twitter: @Retroshock316 these places are where you can discuss anything that happens on the show and request things for the future! So check it out!
Skype: Vinto316 - Leave us a voicemail to do with your thoughts on what has been covered or just something to be played on the show.
Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button here on Podbean or Itunes